Monday Night Men’s League


Tanners Brook Monday Men’s 9 Hole Golf League has set tee times starting from 4:00-6:00 PM.  We offer weekly games that are geared to all levels of play and you play with your same foursome each week.  The 1st date of league play for the 2025 season is April 21st. The league will run for 21 weeks. The fee to join the league is $90.00 and must be paid before the 1st league night.  Please have one player from your team send in their $90.00 to hold your spot this year along with all team members names.  9 Hole Greens Fees are $21.00 and our weekly shop game is $5.00.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 651-464-2300 or email me at [email protected].
April 21st Skins – Gross & Net
28th Low Gross / Low Net
May 5th 1 Ball Foursome
12th 2 Ball Foursome
19th 3 Ball Foursome
June 2nd 1 Best Ball of 2
9th 2 Balls on Odd holes, 3 Balls on Even
16th 1 Ball & 3 Ball – Pick when you’re done
23rd 2 Person Scramble
30th Low Gross/Low Net
July 7th 1 Best Ball of 2.  Play Partners Drive
14th 1 on the Par 3’s, 2 on the Par 4’s 3 on the Par 5’s
21st 1 on Odd, 4 on Even
28th 3 Ball Foursome 1 Gross, 2 Net
Aug 4th 2 Ball Foursome 1 Gross, 1 Net
11th Beat the Pro
18th 3 Ball Foursome
25th 1 Ball Foursome
Sept 8th Skins – Gross & Net
15th 2 Ball Foursome
22nd 3 Club Event


Greens Fees Price
Weekday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (Monday-Friday 6AM-3PM) $48
Weekday Walking Special (Valid 6AM-5PM) $34
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (Open-11AM) $56
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (11AM-1PM) $49
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (1PM-5PM) $45
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes Walking (Open-1PM) $35
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes Walking (1PM-5PM) $28
Senior Special 18 Holes w/Cart (50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $40
Senior Special Walking (50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $28
9 Hole Senior Walking ((50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $18
18 Greens Fees (Monday-Sunday 6AM-4PM) $42
Nine Hole Weekday $21
Nine Hole Weekend $24
Twilight (After 5PM) $24
Evening (After 6:15PM) $16
Student 18 Hole (Mon-Fri Anytime, Weekends & Holidays after 11AM) $22
Student 9 Hole (Mon-Fri Anytime, Weekends & Holidays after 11AM) $13
Golf Carts & Rentals
18 Hole Cart (per person) $21
9 Hole Cart (per person) $12
18 Hole Pull Cart $6
Club Rental $15
Season Cart Permit $690+ Tax
**Anyone requesting their own cart will be an additional fee 
Small Bucket of Range Balls $7
Large Bucket of Range Balls $10
Season Range Pass $330+Tax




General Information

 *Student fees valid for those 17 years old and younger. Not Valid before 11:00 AM on Weekends.

*Please Note: A second rider will be required to pay a single rider fee. Two single riders must pair up when requested to do so. The cart must be returned at the Staff’s request.

Senior Rate good Monday – Friday ONLY Before 3:00 PM.  Not valid for Tournaments, Holidays Or League Play.

Groups of 2 or 3 are subject to having additional players added to their groups.  You should not count on being able to play alone in groups of 1-3 players.  Should you wish to experience a more exclusive experience, we offer the opportunity for guests to buy their entire tee time out.  Please contact Craig at 651-464-2300 if this is something you would like to do.

Reservations can be made 14 days in advance.  Notice of cancellation must be made within 24 hours of tee time.

All players must have their own set of clubs

Personal carry-on coolers are prohibited by law.  All refreshments must be purchased from Tanners Brook.

NO outside Food or Beverages permitted.





[email protected]

(651) 464-2300

Tanners Brook Golf Course


5810 North 190th Street

Forest Lake, MN 55025