Women’s 9 Hole League



Tanners Brook Ladies 9 Hole Golf League plays Tuesday evenings with a 5:30 PM Shotgun Start. We are a social league who invite women of all abilities to join us for “fun in the sun”.  We offer weekly games that are geared to all levels of play. If you need assistance pairing up with other league members, our Pro Shop personnel will gladly assist you.

The 1st date of league play for the 2025 Season is April 29th and will run for 20 weeks.  The league fee for the 2025 season is $75.00, which includes your GHIN Handicap.  Weekly games will be $5.00 per event.

2025 Weekly Game Schedule below:
We hope everyone has fun out on the course this season and enjoys playing these games!
And remember…in this league, the most important thing is “forming friendships” by having fun!!

DOWNLOAD: 2025 Women’s Club Sign-Up Form

Game of the Week:

April 22nd Kick-Off Banquet – 6:00 PM
29th Most 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s & 7’s: The player who has the most 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s & 7’s on their scorecard WINS!
 May 6th Gross & Net Skins:
  13th Low Gross/Low Net:
20th Par is your Partner: Net par is the maximum score you can take on a hole.
27th Bestball Twosome: Each player plays her own golf ball throughout the round, and on each hole the low score – or “best ball” – of the group serves as the team score.
June 3rd 2 Person Low Net: The players add up both their 9 hole net scores.
10th Low Gross/Low Net:
17th Throw out your 2 worst holes: At the end of your round, throw out your 2 worst holes and then add of your score.
24th 3-3-3 Combo: First 3 holes are best ball, next 3 holes are scramble and the last 3 holes are alternate shot.
July 1st Best-ball Twosome: Each player plays her own golf ball throughout the round, and on each hole the low score – or “best ball” – of the group serves as the team score.
  8th Gross & Net Skins:
15th Beat the Pro: Your net score against the Pro’s score!!
22nd Low Net with a Twist: The players with the lowest gross and net 9 holes but with a twist. After the round, you come back in and pick a number 1-9 and whatever number you pick will not count on your scorecard
29th Best-ball Twosome: Each player plays her own golf ball throughout the round, and on each hole the low score – or “best ball” – of the group serves as the team score.
August 5th 3-3-3 Combo: First 3 holes are best ball, next 3 holes are scramble and the last 3 holes are alternate shot.
12th Low Gross, Low Net, Low Putts: Best score with and without handicap.  Make sure to keep track of your putts too!!
19th Throw out your 2 worst holes: At the end of your round, throw out your 2 worst holes and then add of your score.
26th Scramble:
September 2nd Club Championship Round 1
9th Club Championship Round 2
16th Club Championship Round 3



Greens Fees Price
Weekday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (Monday-Friday 6AM-3PM) $48
Weekday Walking Special (Valid 6AM-5PM) $34
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (Open-11AM) $56
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (11AM-1PM) $49
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes w/Cart (1PM-5PM) $45
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes Walking (Open-1PM) $35
Weekend & Holiday Special - 18 Holes Walking (1PM-5PM) $28
Senior Special 18 Holes w/Cart (50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $40
Senior Special Walking (50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $28
9 Hole Senior Walking ((50 Years & Older - Mon-Fri 6AM-3PM) $18
18 Greens Fees (Monday-Sunday 6AM-4PM) $42
Nine Hole Weekday $21
Nine Hole Weekend $24
Twilight (After 5PM) $24
Evening (After 6:15PM) $16
Student 18 Hole (Mon-Fri Anytime, Weekends & Holidays after 11AM) $22
Student 9 Hole (Mon-Fri Anytime, Weekends & Holidays after 11AM) $13
Golf Carts & Rentals
18 Hole Cart (per person) $21
9 Hole Cart (per person) $12
18 Hole Pull Cart $6
Club Rental $20
Season Cart Permit $690+ Tax
**Anyone requesting their own cart will be an additional fee 
Small Bucket of Range Balls $6
Large Bucket of Range Balls $10
Season Range Pass $330+Tax




General Information

 *Student fees valid for those 17 years old and younger. Not Valid before 11:00 AM on Weekends.

*Please Note: A second rider will be required to pay a single rider fee. Two single riders must pair up when requested to do so. The cart must be returned at the Staff’s request.

Senior Rate good Monday – Friday ONLY Before 3:00 PM.  Not valid for Tournaments, Holidays Or League Play.

Groups of 2 or 3 are subject to having additional players added to their groups.  You should not count on being able to play alone in groups of 1-3 players.  Should you wish to experience a more exclusive experience, we offer the opportunity for guests to buy their entire tee time out.  Please contact Craig at 651-464-2300 if this is something you would like to do.

Reservations can be made 14 days in advance.  Notice of cancellation must be made within 24 hours of tee time.

All players must have their own set of clubs

Personal carry-on coolers are prohibited by law.  All refreshments must be purchased from Tanners Brook.

NO outside Food or Beverages permitted.





[email protected]

(651) 464-2300

Tanners Brook Golf Course


5810 North 190th Street

Forest Lake, MN 55025